Report from journalist, Eki Yulianto
TRIBUNJABAR.ID, CIREBON – Six perverted couples were caught red-handed by Satpol PP officers when they were staying at a budget hotel and boarding house in the Cirebon City area, West Java.
When raided, the six couples were unable to show marriage identity documents.
“In several accommodations and boarding houses that we visited, there were six couples who were caught committing indecent acts,” said the Head of Peace and Public Order (Trantibum) of the Cirebon City Satpol PP, Muhamad Lutfi Iqbal, in an interview after the activity, on Sunday ( 3/24/2024) early morning.
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The raid was carried out on Saturday (23/3/2024) evening at a number of inns, budget hotels and boarding houses in the Cirebon City area.
Especially on Jalan Ahmad Yani Bypass, Jalan Ciptomangunkusumo, Jalan Wahidin, Jalan Moh Toha and Jalan Siliwangi.
After being caught, the six perverted couples were immediately taken to the Satpol PP office to be recorded.
“We will carry out an investigation into the perpetrators and impose sanctions in accordance with the Regional Regulation, including forced fines,” he said.
Apart from the six couples who were arrested, Satpol PP officers also carried out raids on several nightclubs which were suspected of still selling liquor during the fasting month.
During the raid, ten canned bottles and nine jerry cans containing ciu were confiscated.
“We are also monitoring the implementation of Circulars regarding tourism actors during the month of Ramadan.”
“Several places were proven to have violated the rules, such as holding live music or karaoke after 22.30 WIB,” he explained.
Luthfi explained that the raids carried out were part of monitoring and control efforts during the holy month of Ramadan.
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“Of the various places we visited, there were two places that violated the rules and we have taken action by confiscating their sound systems,” he said.